Monday, August 8, 2011

One Thousand Gifts:: Take Twenty Three


631. sunshine
632. cooler weather
633. rain
634. a glorious, fun-filled, and fabulous summer

635. quality time with dear dear friends
636. lots of laughter
637. birthdays and celebrations
638. DTF and Pinkerton with my favorite Christina on her special day
639. photo shoots

640. fun times at leadership
641. watching the Incredibles
642. Haven pointing at my earrings: "Arrings!" Me: "Good job Haven! They're called pearls!" "Curls!"
643. long chats about college and nursing with the fabulous and super fun Lydia! (can I be you when I grow up? :)

644. great preaching and teaching
645. Skype- when we haven't seen Nana in too long and when Dad isn't feeling well
646. playing with the "worship band" at church :)
647. making lunch with Mom
648. homemade basil lemonade (with fresh basil from the garden!) like at The Silly Goose

649. wedding of one of my favorite teachers ever! What a gorgeous bride and beautiful wedding!
650. 42 colorful and bright umbrellas blocking the groom's view of the bride as she approached the aisle
651. seeing dear and old friends

652. free movie screening of a fabulous movie (more info to come!)- Seven Days in Utopia- thanks to Grace Hill Media
653. fun new neighbors
654. our first shrimp boil- YUM
655. precious baby we babysat
656. hanging out with my dear sister Riley!

657. being accepted to Lipscomb University for dual enrollment!!!!

658. having twelve sisters, two parents, two daughters, and one granddaughter- according to Facebook ;)
659. hanging out with the lovely Jenny and EJ!
660. artsy moods
661. cute and creative cards that come from said moods

662. awkward moments that make me laugh
663. going to Nana and Papa's
664. Disney music thanks to Pandora
665. long chats till 1:30 am with Julia
666. playing the "guess that Disney movie" game with Dad :)
667. Disney's SceneIt with Julia, Cara, and Riley

668. family movie night
669. Mom's great sense of humor
670. new school supplies
671. the "it's a small world" connections
672. excitement to see my Whitver family this Thursday!

673. Daily Verse from Faithful Provisions: ". . . I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." (Philippians 3:13b-14)

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