Monday, April 4, 2011

One Thousand Gifts:: Take Twelve


253. safety during a bad storm
254. protection of friends in said storm
255. candles and flashlights when we lose electricity
256. going to the library when the power at our house is out
257. wifi
258. realizing that I take power for granted

258. anticipation for banquet- this Friday!!
259. those "it's a small world" connections
260. bittersweet thoughts of only six more weeks of school
261. our fabulous church family
262. a precious little girl turning 2 (J after reading Winnie the Pooh's Surprise Party to H: "Who else's birthday is today?" H: "Pooh!" :o)

263. fun at my school's English Country Dance
264. laughing when I got weird stares at the ISC in my English Country Dance attire
265. getting to help coach an Excel group
266. chatting with fun friends at the ISC
267. getting to see Jane Eyre with one of my dearest friends!! (it was GREAT!! A few parts were scary- not going to lie we jumped a few times :) but we loved it!!)

268. game days on our last two swim practices
269. beautiful flowers covering the yard
270. the precious and dear girls in my Bible Study
271. anticipation for this summer
272. Psalm 90:17 ::
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
and establish the work of our hands upon us;
yes, establish the work of our hands!

Be blessed today!


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