Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Thousand Gifts:: Take Twenty-Eight


901. my wonderful church
902. our fabulous church family
903. a super spectacular Christmas Spectacular!
904. dear ones who put in a lot of work

905. poems, a play, songs, duets, piano, harp, guitar, and more
906. super cute costumes
907. spunky little sheep
908. adorable kids

909. worshipping the King together
910. Christmas music
911. Christmas sermons (can you tell I really get into the Christmas spirit? :)
912. dear friends

913. good chats with dear women
914. 41 people in our house, fed, in 24 hours
915. my AMAZING mom
916. lots of fun friends

917. my teacher leading a study session
918. yummy food
919. happy Christmas plates, mugs, and cups
920. fruit of lots of Spanish studying

921. celebrating the births of several dear, dear friends this week- I am so thankful for you all!

922. laughter
923. egg nog and peppermint ice cream
924. my Spanish class
925. peace that God has my future in His hands

926. peace and joy when I am thankful

927. Verse of the week from Keith Beauchemin:

Psalm 77:1

"I cried out to God with my voice --
To God with my voice;
And He gave ear to me."

God's ear is always ready to hear the cries of his children.  If you read verses 
2-10 you will see that the psalmist was in despair.  He questioned whether God's 
mercy had ceased, his promises had failed (vs 7) and whether God had forgotten 
to be gracious.  He believed that God had not heard his prayers.  

What changed?  What gave him hope again?  He remembered God's past works of 
redemption (vs 11-20).  Then he began to see that GoD was magnificent and 

Our present circumstances can often warp our perception of God.  If we look at 
God's past works of redemption in the lives of his people and in our own life, 
then we will again start to marvel at the greatness of our God.  Then we realize 
that he does hear the cries of his people and so in faith I must believe that he 
hears my cries.

Peace and blessings to you,


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