Saturday, October 29, 2011


~ This morning I had breakfast with three wonderful girlies! I went to Bongo Java for the first time (how have I never been there?!)- YUM!

~ I am kind of in love with these Disney Dream Portraits by Annie Leibovitz... Check them out! I am a huge Disney fan and love these pictures!!

Here's one of my favorites... Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella!

~ I made a pizza for dinner...

~ I love the Hipstamatic app!

~Played some Pride and Prejudice...

~Last night we had a family movie night and watched Chariots of Fire!

"I feel God's pleasure when I run."

Here's Dad and Cara enjoying a shake and some Boy Scout popcorn:

~Newest store coming to the Green Hills Mall: The Container Store

~I love that LU has a Chickfila. It makes me happy.

~Reading Kisses from Katie!! Loving it! What an amazing story! Here is Katie's blog. Katie, from Nashville, is a 22 year old young woman who is a missionary in Uganda. She is mother to 13 girls (see picture below) Here is her ministry's website, Amazima. Here is her book on Amazon. Check out this article about her by NPR. Check out the links!

Four years ago, Katie  Davis was homecoming queen at her high school in Tennessee. Today, she cares for 13 abandoned girls at her home in Uganda.

~The Gettys talking about one of their newest songs! What a cute family they are!

Happy Weekend!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

One Thousand Gifts:: Take Twenty Six

My last One Thousand Gifts post was September 25th- too long ago! It is not Monday (the usual posting day for OTG) but I decided to do it anyway :)

799. mums on the front porch from a sweet friend
800. pumpkins and more fresh flowers
801. hot tea
802. my Mako sweatshirt when it's cold
803. Pandora

804. wonderful teachers who want us to succeed
805. physics labs
806. "I don't like crowded elevators"
807. lots of laughter
808. 12 people on one elevator

809. "They are literally rocking the minivan"
810. fun friends
811. holiday party
812. my dear sisters
813. my family's great sense of humor

814. book to read from the library
815. the library
816. game night with fun friends
817. sweet notes in my mailbox at school
818. snail mail

819. Spanish class
820. Grandview
821. pleased and relieved smiles when I say "¡Muy bien!" when their answers are right
822. using Spanish as a bridge (nuestra puente)
823. "?Comó se dice en español?"

824. getting to be a part of the ESL classes
825. learning the Spanish word while they learn the English (to chew, masticar; caracol, shell)
826. understanding it when someone speaks in Spanish
827. my lab partner Dee!
828. Chickfila for breakfast

829. yearbook staff
830. excitement about this year's yearbook
831. free screenings of new movies
832. getting to sub for my dear friend's swim lessons
833. my Makos

834. playing George Winston's "Joy"
835. practicing for the Christmas Spectacular choir song!
836. playing/singing with Julia, the creative one and improvista (I think I just made up a word...) :)
837. laughter throughout my Thursday
838. high and low chat time

839. "Oh wait... you're homeschooled."
840. homemade sugar free ice cream
841. family vacation to Charleston!
842. crazy adventures on the beach
843. time with my 4 fave people

844. photo booth
845. church picnic!
846. breakfasts at Fido
847. fun nights with dear girls
848. Emma

849. lunch with Jenny, Graham, Julia, Cara, and Rachel
850. Pei Wei, Publix, and Ironwood
851. last time to take the PSAT
852. catching up with dear friends
853. sweet munchkins

more coming soon!

~Lily (who is going to try and catch up on some much needed sleep :)

We must seek in God's way ~ from Spurgeon

No good can result from efforts made apart from faith in Jesus. However earnest and sincere we may be, we must fail in our search if we do not seek in God’s way. Would it not be wise after so many bitter disappointments to leave your own inventions? If they have done you no good, depend upon it they never will. You had better humble yourself as a little child, and learn from God what the plan of salvation is, and then obediently accept it. Come, poor soul, in humble obedience, read the sacred roll of inspiration, and say, “O Lord, show me what thou wouldst have me to do;” then will light break in upon you, and peace shall follow. Faith in Jesus is God’s way; it will be the height of folly to set up a method of your own in competition therewith.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "I Thought," delivered May 17, 1874. Image by Ernst Vikne on Flickr under Creative Commons License.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thoughts on a Tuesday in Autumn

Hey friends!

Whoa I have not blogged in a while! Last week (Friday-Tuesday) we went on a lovely family vacation to Charleston! Once I upload the pictures I will make a blog post about our adventures :) One such adventure was walking on the beach in a horrible rainstorm- we were completely soaked! We also went on a carriage ride- so fun! So look for that post soon!

I am LOVING the Kindle app on my iTouch- it is awesome! They have lots of great books that you can get for free! I also use the Pandora app a lot. I recently joined Pinterest and am enjoying that app too!

Yesterday I subbed for my dear friend's swim lessons- I hadn't taught or coached any since July! I have really missed it! It was so nice to be back teaching for a bit :) Sadly since my year is so crazy I haven't been able to commit to teaching regularly. :(

It is so fun how the smallest things can be so exciting in swim lessons- blowing bubbles, putting their whole faces in, breathing to the side correctly- it is awesome. :)

Fall break was not long enough! We only have four more weeks till Thanksgiving break- and then four more weeks till CHRISTMAS!! Whoo hoo! This Friday is LU's fall break- very intense haha. They only get a three day weekend. We'll get a whole week off at Thanksgiving though!

Verse from Faithful Provisions:

Faithful Provisions Daily Verse

“The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” (Psalm 91:14-16)

Blessings to you,


Fall Break= pure joy

(originally posted 10.7.11)


Whoo hoo! Don't get me wrong- I dearly love school and Whitver but it's time for a break :) Very excited to have some time off to relax and spend time with my sweet family!

I am so thankful for my whitver family- my amazing friends and fabulous teachers!!!

 Me encanta mi clase de español a Lipscomb. Me gusta mi profesora y mis amigos nuevos. ¡Estoy aprendiendo mucho! Me gusta Lipscomb también.

 Verse of the day: "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion on is; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea." Micah 7:18-19



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

From The Daily Spurgeon

“Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”

....What a glorious title is in the Hebrew - “The keeper of Israel,” and how delightful to think that no form of unconsciousness ever steals over him, neither the deep slumber nor the lighter sleep. He will never suffer the house to be broken up by the silent thief; he is ever on the watch, and speedily perceives every intruder. This is a subject of wonder, a theme for attentive consideration, therefore the word “Behold” is set up as a waymark. Israel fell asleep, but his God was awake. Jacob had neither walls, nor curtains, nor body - guard around him; but the Lord was in that place though Jacob knew it not, and therefore the defenceless man was safe as in a castle.

From The Treasury of David, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, exposition of Psalm 121:4. Image by Bert Kaufmann on Flickr under Creative Commons License.

The scepter belongs to Christ. All sceptres belong to him. He will come by-and-by and verify his title to them. Have you not seen the picture that represents Nelson on board a French man-of-war, receiving the swords of the various captains he has conquered, while there stands an old tar at his side putting all these swords underneath his arm as they are brought up. I have often pictured to myself our great Commander, the only King by divine right, coming back to this our earth, and gathering up the sceptres of the kings in sheaves, and putting them on one side, and collecting their crowns; for he alone shall reign King of kings and Lord of lords.

When the last and greatest of all monarchs shall come a second time, “without a sin-offering unto salvation” — oh, the glory of his triumph! He has a right to reign. If ever there was a king by nature, and by birth, it is the Son of David; if ever there was one who would be elected to the monarchy by the suffrages* of all his subjects, it is Jesus.

* - i.e., the votes

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Shiloh." Image by Paul Bica on Flickr under Creative Commons License.