Monday, May 2, 2011

One Thousand Gifts:: Take Sixteen


350. protection in bad weather
351. a beautiful wedding on Saturday
352. beautiful weather this weekend
353. lovely music at the wedding
354. wonderful music at a friend's senior recital

355. my amazing Whitver family
356. such a fabulous Senior Toast (theme: the 1920's)
357. headbands with big feathers
358. dressing up
359. a live band

360. tears during sweet toasts
361. being willed several things from fun seniors :)
362. washing and swirling strawberries, not *cough* eating treats, deciding eating some of the treats was for the good of the community, and going on adventures with the wonderful Anna Lea at senior toast
363. washing dishes after the fun event
364. working with sweet moms

365. that Nana is home!
366. seeing how God miraculously and so graciously answers prayers
367. several mamas choosing to give their babies life after seeing an ultrasound
368. GPRC's new ultrasound machine and the dear women who work there
369. that God cares about the little things- like my prayers to get a lane for my swim lessons on Thursday- and sure enough, I did!

370. Five Gals at Five Guys
371. my darling Theophili
372. long chats with my dear friend Jenny!
373. finishing study group early and chatting with fun friends
374. friends who love me even when I don't aid in [killing spiders] ~:-)

375. bittersweet feelings towards school being over in two weeks
376. getting our school yearbooks
377. sweet notes in said yearbook
378. many wonderful memories from the past year
379. the blessing of getting to be a part of my Thursday family

380. kids who float by themselves!
381. excitement for coaching this summer
382. making plans for summer
383. my precious, supportive, encouraging, fabulous, loving, and wonderful family
384. my amazing church family

385. our dear pastor back from a sabbatical
386. fun times at leadership meeting
387. sweet children
388. sadness and excitement for our new church plant

389. a sister who randomly gives me candy and sings
390. a mother who makes 500 treats and is very sacrificial
391. a sister who is loving even when I am not cheerful
392. a faithful father who works hard for us

393. Numbers 6:24-26

"May the LORD bless you and keep you; may the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’

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