Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One Thousand Gifts:: Belated

A goal for the summer: post on time ~:-)


453. summer!
454. first day of Wildwood
455. excitement about coaching this summer
456. bittersweet endings and new beginnings
457. fun graduation parties celebrating seniors

458. the library and its endless supply of movies and books
459. PluggedIn's movie reviews
460. thankfulness for the wonderful neighbors we have
461. lunch out with Dad
462. beautiful weather

463. celebrating the life of my dear friends and sisters, Riley and Anna
464. lots of laughter and fun
465. scavenger hunt in DTF
466. the nice people in DTF that helped us with our scavenger hunt
467. stargazing, fireflies, bonfire, smores, waving at cars, dancing, singing, laughing, celebrating, quoting, throwing napkins, eating food, spending time with very cool people= many good memories

468. band night
469. my crazy talented friends
470. my Whitver family

471. safety while doing lots of driving- to Mt. Juliet, Franklin, the scary one-way tunnel on Clovercroft, on the interstate in a storm, and more
472. that God is the ultimate Protector

473. that God answers prayers- even about little and insignificant things- like getting a lane at the pool

474. Verse of the week from Keith Beauchemin:

Psalm 66:1,2
"Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth!
Sing out the honor of His name;
Make His praise glorious."
The psalmist knew what it was to praise God from the depth of his soul. There are three wonderful elements of praise in these verses. First, praise should be joyful. We should have joy because of what God has done for us, and that we are privileged to have a relationship with a holy and righteous God.
Secondly, praise is focused on honoring God. It has nothing to do with us, but it has everything to do with God. Let God alone receive all honor, glory and praise.
Finally, our praise should be glorious. Our praise should not be empty, half-hearted or dull. Our whole heart and mind should be engaged in this wondrous and amazing activity called worship.
As wondrous as true praise is, it is only a prelude to the most amazing worship that we will experience when we see our Savior face to face. Then we will proclaim with all the saints and angels, "Worthy is the the Lamb to receive honor, glory and praise, now and forever more!"

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