293. beautiful weather today
294. dear friends who have supported us during Nana's illness
295. prayers of many friends
296. getting to spend the second half of yesterday with my dear Nana
297. sweet nurses who are loving, pleasant, compassionate, and do their jobs well
298. random fireworks I could see outside Nana's window last night
299. Nana letting me use her house shoes to walk around the hospital with instead of my heels
300. a great day at church
301. seeing the oh so talented and beautiful Linds in her play, the King and I, on Friday night, with my super fun friends Hannah, Harper Grace, and Allison!
302. my amazing Whitver family
303. anticipation of Senior Toast!
304. munchkins who float by themselves!!
305. the privilege of teaching kids how to swim
306. that 4 babies have been saved this week during ultrasound training at GPRC!
307. getting freebies in the mail
308. ice cream
309. my fantabulous family!!!
310. bittersweet feelings about four more weeks of school
311. my very cool parents- even if they are both beating me at Words With Friends
312. a dear friend's birthday celebration!
313. walking around the Vanderbilt campus as the White Queen at the afore mentioned celebration
314. Isaiah 55:12 ~~ "“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
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