Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
1. I am a daughter of the king!
2. I am so, so blessed. I have amazing family and friends!
3. My middle name is a combination of my parents' names= Lauren!
4. I kind of have an obsession with ice cream... While on the topic of food, my favorite fast food is Chickfila. mmm.
5. My favorite kid movie is Meet the Robinsons.
6. My favorite radio station just stopped broadcasting- WNAZ. I am so sad! :(
7. Disney World is one of my favorite places. It makes me incredibly happy.
8. I love anything and everything Jane Austen.
9. My newfound love: Pandora.
10. I love photography!
11. My favorite color is turquoise. I want to buy everything that color. It's kind of bad...
12. I should totally be a model for Vera Bradley, Kohls, and Crocs. Everything I own is from those people! :)
13. Is it weird for one's closet to be organized by color...? cuz if it is... umm...
14. I have only been out of the country once- to have tea in Canada.
15. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a cowgirl and a ballerina when I grew up. They aren't really working out for me... :)
photo creds: Dear Dad at Scarritt
Dreams have a way of changing as you grow up. :)