Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Travel Blog and SPAIN!

Hi friends!

Happy New Year! I will hopefully do a review of 2013 post soon - it was a very exciting year!!

I am headed to Spain tomorrow for five months! Cannot believe it is actually happening! I am so thankful for such an amazing opportunity, and also that my dearest mom is coming for the first week! I have been so overwhelmed by the love and support shown to me over the last several weeks! I am one blessed gal! Gracious I am going to miss my people and NashTown so much!!! I still can't go there emotionally yet and I leave tomorrow...

While in Spain, I will be updating a travel blog. I hope to continue updating this one occasionally but will be taking a "sabbatical" for a while, mainly using the other blog to update about my adventure!

You can check it out here!!

Here we go!!

