Sunday, March 25, 2012

I heart spring break... Part Three

Hey friends!

Wow- we had such a fabulous week in Hilton Head! Check back soon for pictures and more!

Some fun facts from our super fun trip:

  • Had SO MUCH FUN Mom, Lily, Julia, Cara, Ms. Gigi, Mimi, Jenny, Elaina Joy, and Anna!
  • I read the Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and almost half of Mockingjay
  • Found my new love: biking on the beach
  • Didn't hit a jellyfish, person, seagull, or dog (listed in order of the likelihood of hitting them)
  • Ate my body weight in cheetos, goldfish, and starbursts. Keepin it real.
  • Watched some of Downton Abbey. I might lose friends, but I didn't love it. Too much snooty and too much sketch. But I will give it another try! I liked Bates and Anna though. Thoughts, DA fans?
  • I like Peeta. I haven't finished Mockingjay, so I am not totally sure if I am Team Gale or Team Peeta. When we went to the midnight showing, it was definitely a Team Gale crowd. Anytime they showed his reaction to anything there was a collective sigh...
  • I like Katniss. But she has trust issues. And boy problems.
  • Saw several sunrises and sunsets. So cool. God is amazing! What a glorious thing to see His handiwork!
  • Saw two dolphins near the beach one morning! What a treat!
  • Avoided the raccoon in the backyard. Anna, Julia, and Mimi gave that lil ole rascal a run for his money. I mean, wouldn't you run if you saw signs on the trash can saying "May the odds be ever in OUR favor" and a letter telling you the fight is on?! I would.
  • Went on a late night Publix run with Ms. Gigi, Mimi, Elaina Joy, Julia, and Cara! Ice cream is very crucial.
  • Watched Despicable Me for the first time. Um super cute movie?! It is now up there on my list with Meet the Robinsons :) "IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GOING TO DIE!"
  • Drove six hours there and six hours back. Mom didn't even have to drive on the way there- Julia and I did! Julia is doing a really great job driving!
  • More coming soon!!
On Thursday night, Mom, Julia, and I went to a 12:01 showing of the Hunger Games! Our first midnight showing :) Mom got some major coolness points- she was one of about three adults there. Go Mom! I love you :) (you can read my super deep post on Tumblr about midnight showings here

Have you seen the Hunger Games? What did you think?

I would also like to say how much I love my church family!! You guys are seriously the best. I am so thankful for all of you!!

Yesterday Mom and I toured Belmont! I really liked it! (I might lose my LU friends saying that... :) Then, last night we went to see Mary Poppins! So wonderful!

Thanks for reading! Check back soon!



Several links:
-This made me laugh. "Christina Bianco Impression Reel- Firework"
-Cimorelli covered "Call Me Maybe"- they are so adorable! I love them!

-I loved PluggedIn!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I heart spring break... Part Two

Hey friends!

I may not be blogging the next few days... I am going with some of my dearest friends to Hilton Head for the week! So excited! :)

All of the Hunger Games fans will be proud... I am on page 56 of book 1! :) Today I will have some good reading time in the car!

I want to share some of my recent favorite songs with you!

We went to Winter Jam last week- it was amazing! I have been hearing these artists on the radio for years and it was so cool to see them perform!

"Take this world and give me Jesus."

I was so excited to see Group 1 Crew! They are one of my favorite bands. They performed several songs, including Walking on the Stars.

Kari Jobe sang "Revelation Song"- one of my favorites! Here is a lyric video:

More coming soon!

What are you enjoying listening to? Leave a comment below!



Sunday, March 11, 2012

I heart spring break... Part One

Dear friends,

Whoo hoo! SB12 is hereeee! We got off Friday and don't go back till the 29th! {And in case you were concerned about too much partying, we do have a week of homework due when we get back ;)}

Whoa we are having a fun but crazy weekend! Get ready... here it comes! :)

Cute girls at Sweet Ceces!

 We went to tour Union University on Friday! We loved it! {Chickfila... check!} ;)

Look at my beautiful mom! I love you so much, Mom! You are seriously the best and the coolest :)
My info packet
Free tshirt I got for filling out a survey! Score!
You know, just eating an ice cream sandwich at 5:15 am...
Breakfast of champions right here, folks
Treat bag from the School of Nursing
Pool at Union... check!
I may or may not have switched my screensaver from 1D before I went to the Apple store. No, I am much too far above doing that. *cough*
Lit lab selfie! We missed Jolene!
The beautiful Julia and Julia!
ONEDIRECTIONONEDIRECTION SO EXCITED!!! (more pictures coming soon from the concert :)
Sweet little man!
Trying to help motivate myself to get work done... haha
my itouch homepage earlier this week..... haha struggleee
Precal breakfast! Missing Jolene! (yes... I wore my 1D shirt to school... :)

And to end out this post with some more cute people, I present to you... 1D :)

It makes me very sad- my iTouch is having some major problems. If I try typing on it, scrolling on it, or basically try to do anything... it freaks out. :'( I went to see my Apple buddies yesterday and am going to go meet with a tech this week!

So excited- going to Winter Jam for the first time ever tonight!! Whoo hoo!!

I took the SAT yesterday... partayyyy haha.

Coming soon... One Thousand Gifts, Let's Talk College Stalker Mail, The Concert, and more!

Thanks so much for reading the blog, yall!

Much love,


Friday, March 2, 2012

It's Friday... and I learned how to make captions :)

Hey friends!

Hope you are having a lovely week! Our area is supposed to get some really bad storms today... Our swim practice was cancelled and a bunch of schools are closing early. Eeek! Praying for safety!

This can't be a good sign...

Here are some pictures chronicling the latest happenings! :) Get ready... Here they come!

Looking rather menacing on the way to class this morning
Yesterday Justin turned 18! Happy birthday, JB!
I may have worn purple yesterday in honor of the Biebs turning 18 yesterday. I may have watched the movie.  I may have even had a JB birthday party. Ok, so maybe I DID do all those things... :) #noshame
The fab Joelle! And my hair was straight!
Look at my cute dad! Brunch at Fido!
Sweet and beautiful friends!
Selfie! Love you girls!
Look what sweet Dad gave Mom for Valentine's! Isn't he the greatest?! 
Selfie! My hair is getting so long!
Celebrating finishing my work before 5 on Wednesday! AND I got to go to swim team and church! Yay! So thankful for sweet teachers!
Let's stop and minute and talk about how cute they are. 
One Direction!!
Album coming out in the States in March! You should totally go watch their music videos I posted here... :)
Festive lanterns I got at Target day-after-Christmas shopping! Perfect for Valentine's Day! And... year round... right? ;) 
Saw this on FB... So hilarious!
Who's excited about TWO Vera Bradley stores coming to Nashville?!? Yup, this girl! A regular store coming to the Hill Center in Green Hills AND an outlet store coming to Opry Mills! Celebrations! Yes, I stopped in front of the sign to take a picture. #noshame
Delicious caramel milkshake the wonderful sisters made!
I did not take this picture... But I saw it and it made me laugh. Caption: "Every time I go to a Disney store..." Win? I think yes!
Lunch at Cheekwood! So much fun! I love you!
Look at my beautiful friend!
Battle at Shy's Hill 
Ok... Not our best picture haha... :) But I love her! It was a lovely day, (70s in February- what?!) so went on a hike! It was absolutely lovely :) 
Isn't she gorgeous?!
Beautiful sky!
Spring is coming! Pretty tree on the way to my LU class
So now that you have seen a zillion pictures... Maybe I should go hide in the basement we don't have...

Be safe!

Thankful that this King controls all!

"And the men marveled, saying, 'What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?'" Matthew 8:27



Daily Spurgeon:: Be careful who becomes your guide

We must be all conscious that we imitate those whom we admire. Love has a strange influence over our nature, to mould it into the form beloved. A true disciple is like clay on the wheel, and his Master fashions him after his own image. We may be scarcely conscious of it, but we are most surely being conformed to the likeness of those to whose influence we submit ourselves.

Whoever then your Master may be, dear friend, you are changing into his image: if you choose to be led by the votary of pleasure, you will become more and more frivolous; if you admire the slave of avarice, you will become avaricious, if you feel the sway of the minion of vice, you will grow vicious yourself. If a man who despises the word of God becomes your hero, you will ere long despise it too: while men are gazing upon him with admiration, a kind of photography is going on, and you, like a sensitive plate, receive his image. I charge you, therefore, to be careful who becomes your guide.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Choice Of A Leader," delivered August 1, 1875. Image by Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ on Flickr under Creative Commons License.