"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday Thoughts
Not Yet Attained! ~ from Spurgeon
“I the chief of sinners am,
But Jesus died for me.”
Personal holiness is to be sought for with all our hearts, and it can only be obtained by faith in Jesus Christ — by simple faith in him. He gives us power to overcome sin through his precious blood; but, depend upon it, the moment we conclude that we have overcome, and can say what Paul could not say — that he had attained and was already perfect — we are in an evil case. Our pride has overpowered our judgment, and we are fools.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Rubbish." Image by Bert Kaufmann on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pride and Prejudice lovin.
I love this soundtrack. So very much.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Deep Thoughts
In this day and age everything is about “how can I get everything faster.” How can I get to my destination faster (speeding, running red lights), how can I make my food faster (microwave, take out), how can I check my email faster (smart phones), etc. Am I saying this is bad? No, well, except for speeding and running red lights! :) Having progress and improvement in media and such comes with pros and cons. We are constantly rushing and on the go. I am reminded of this especially when out driving. A woman pulled out in front of someone (they weren’t super close) and the second person laid on her horn. Seriously?! It really bothers me when people can’t wait five seconds. People run red lights because they don’t have time to sit there for approximately 90 seconds. When someone is waiting to turn on a two lane road, people drive around them so they can get to their destination faster. We are spoiled and it bothers us when we are inconvenienced, even for the smallest amount of time. I confess I am oftentimes bothered by inconveniences!
I was looking in my baby book the other day and was pretty shocked to see a printed email! The email services were random, obscure services I have never even heard of. Today everyone has email!
I was recently having a conversation with someone about communication and how it has changed over the past decade. We were talking about how people used to just randomly drop by to hang out. Nowadays we don’t want our schedules interrupted or messed up. Instead of face-to-face communication we send a text, email, or message via Facebook. It’s faster and easier for us.
We are so often self absorbed in our own worlds. In elevators no one talks. So many people just want someone to talk to! The other week I paid our waitress a compliment and soon she had basically told us her life story. People want to share!
Having improved media and communication can be a good thing and a bad thing! Don’t lose communication with those around you! For school the other week we read the short story called “Bartleby the Scrivener.” Basically this guy loses communication and connection with people and then dies. He gives up on life from lack of relationships. We were made for relationships— with God and others!
Take some time to be patient when inconvenienced! Send a relative a note in the mail! Talk to the person behind you in the checkout line! When inconvenienced, thank the Lord for the blessings in your day!
Just some things to think on this evening… :)
(originally posted Monday on my Tumblr)
Verse of the Week- from Keith Beauchemin
Romans 1:7"To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."How often do you meditate upon the reality that you are a saint? Paul commonly addressed Christians in the letters to various churches as saints. Even the believers in Corinth, with all the serious problems they had, Paul referred to as saints; not "sinners", but "saints."Paul never addressed Christians as sinners. Paul taught about the great struggle Christians still have with sin in Romans 7, but our identity is no longer "sinners" but "saints." Paul recognizes that God has taken each believer and set him apart from sin and unto himself to be holy. The word saint means to be "set apart."Yes, we still fall into sin. When we sin we need to quickly repent and seek forgiveness through Christ. But we shouldn't wallow in our sin. Rather, meditate upon this: "God has set me apart from sin and called me to be a holy one, living unto him." Think upon this startling truth, my brothers and sisters in Christ: you are the beloved of God, and called to be saints.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
One Thousand Gifts:: Take Twenty Five
We need fellowship with Jesus ~ Spurgeon
Christ is not merely a harbour of refuge, but a port for all weathers. Do not think, beloved, that I am setting up too high a standard when I say this. I am so sure I am not that I will repeat what I have said — the proper condition of a child of God at all times is that he should sit with Mary at the Master’s feet, or with John should lean his head upon the beloved Redeemer’s bosom.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "My Restorer," delivered December 28, 1873. Image by Nic McPhee on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Reasons Why I Love Fall
My blog is now mobile-user friendly! And you can subscribe to my blog updates via email ----> Check out the subscription box on the top right! :)
Songs I am enjoying
Clearview by Tal and Acacia
Let's Go by Group One Crew (I cannot get sick of this song... :)
Happy Never After by Megan and Liz (two Nashville girls! They are super cute)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday thoughts
Coming soon...
~things I love about fall
~songs I am enjoying
~Courageous - the movie (check out the trailer from my last post)
~and other cool stuff { TBD :) }
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
You have been my help! ~ from Spurgeon
...I beg you, do not, for the glory of God and for the comfort of tried saints, keep back your testimony, but say, “I was brought low, and he helped me, and, therefore, blessed be his name.” We do not talk enough about our deliverances. When you get home this afternoon, after dinner, if a friend or two should call in, you will go over your bad times and your troubles, but you will not recapitulate your mercies. Have we not had enough of complaining? let us touch another string, and bless the Lord for all his lovingkindness.
What a tale some of us could tell of his mercies! No novel that was ever composed could possibly equal in interest my own experience of God’s goodness, and I think there are many here of whose lives the same could be said. Rich with incident, crowded with wonders, crammed full of miracles have our lives been, for God has dealt so well with us that we often stand astonished at what he has done. “Thou hast been my help.” Oh, yes, I will sum up the whole of my life in the one sentence, and, as we have seen a portrait sketched in a few lines, so will I give you my whole career in miniature: “Thou hast been my help.”
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "A Mighty Plea," delivered November 23, 1873. Image by itslegitx on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Monday, September 12, 2011
How to make accent marks on a Mac
(Note: For Macs!)
~ Accent mark: Click OPTION/ALT then "E" and a yellow highlight should come up. Type in which letter you want to accent. Examples: ó é í ú á
~ For ñ: click OPTION/ALT then "N" and then "N" again to put the little squiggly over the n!
Play around with your OPTION/ALT button!
For example...
œ∑´®†¥¨ˆˆøπåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬Ω≈ç√∫˜µ˜≤≥÷≠–ºª•¶§∞¢£™¡ (cool, huh? :)
Questions? Leave a comment!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Gulf is Bridged
Beloved, many are a long while in distress of soul, because they do not remember that there is a Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus. God is thus glorious, but he is not far from any of us; for there is one who is God, and at the same time a man like ourselves, even Jesus, who has compassion on the ignorant, and on those that are out of the way. Cease ye then to fear, for the gulf is bridged. You may approach the Lord, for Jesus has paved the way.
From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Good News For The Destitute," delivered November 9, 1873. Image by Ernst Vikne on Flickr under Creative Commons License.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
One Thousand Gifts:: Take Twenty-Four
Friday, September 2, 2011
Happy Videos Part 2.
Yup, I like group dancing videos :)